Hope you guys are all well...in weird Covid19 times?
So it’s official…I’m totally rubbish at keeping up with my blog posts.
To get you up to date, last year was manic and now , its not. I’m sure that all Creatives and the Self Employed Creatives especially, are feeling this right now. What do you photograph when all your work is cancelled and you are only allowed out of your home to shop or exercise ?😬
Times are tuff for ALL of us so stay strong and stay home.
Credit cards, Mortgages and Rent payments will just have to wait, and they will, because we are all in the SAME BOAT. Please don’t forget that. Who knows how long it will take for this to end, but we will all come through it (all be it, probably still pulling our scarves over our mouths, when we go into a shop even after we get the all clear ..don’t say its just me feeling this?)
I’ve been struggling with my mental heath during this lockdown time, in all honesty…I’m pretty sure we all have, and I’ve got it easy. My heart goes out to all those families with no outside space and children locked down in your house! You must be feeling pushed to your limits , the media could be kinder to your plight I think.
I live in Brighton, its got a very large local community and most live in flats. So, if you see Brighton on the News and your are being told its flooded with people, (yes, some are obviously ‘Day Trippers’) , bust most of us actually live in this beautiful town and we all use the Promenade area to exercise. Please don’t judge us too harshly for loving where we live. Just everyone keep their distance and we’ll be fine.
I would like to end this monologue on a positive note, my work taken pre lock down (October’ish last year) is being published now and this has been a small delight to my day. I would like to share some images from Your Sussex Wedding @cwm_wedding taken at the end of last year and out now in their digital magazine available for FREE. This work was taken at the Hobbit House @oastbrook vineyard and featuring the gorgeous @nameherkatie .
They were taken on a slightly chilly and drizzly day but I don’t think you can tell...the pool was heated anyway 😉 xx
Take care and keep smiling everybody xx